Connections, Temple Emanuel Program Director
Why do you do the work you do?
I do the work that I do because I want older adults with Dementia and Alzheimer’s to feel like they belong. What they did in the past and what they are doing now is still important.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I enjoy seeing the members’ faces light up with joy during activities and the smiles they have when they are leaving for the day because of how much fun they had.
Why is the type of work you do so important?
The type of work I do is important because a lot of people still tend to make older adults feel like they are less than or incapable. My job is to show they are human and capable, although it may just look a little different.
What difference do you feel our service – and your work – makes for those we serve and their loved ones?
Our services give caregivers a chance to take time for themselves as most of them care for their loved ones 24/7. It also gives the members a chance to socialize and engage in activities that can slow the progress of the disease. When caregivers have that time to refresh and not worry (because we are taking care of their loved one), they can care for themselves and their loved ones even better.